
Where are you located?
Our practice is located at Level 1, 395 Wattletree Rd, Malvern East. We are situated above Riserva, a wine bar and restaurant, and opposite Central Park.

Where can I park?
There are plenty of free unlimited and time-limited car parks on Wattletree Rd and in the streets surrounding the practice.

How do I get there using public transport?
If you’d prefer to use public transport, we are located at the end of tram route 5, stop number 52.

How do I enter the building?
Our practice has secure entry so you will need to enter a code on the keypad next to the front door to enter the practice.

Once you enter, please head up the stairs and take a seat in the waiting room. Here you can enjoy a few quiet moments to collect your thoughts before meeting your psychologist and heading into your session.

Unfortunately, you can only access the waiting room via the stairs as we do not have a lift. If you think you might have difficulty accessing our practice, please do not hesitate to get in touch so we can make some alternative arrangements for you.


Getting started

How long will the sessions be?
Each individual psychology session is 50 minutes in duration. An initial couples therapy session is 80 minutes. Please arrive on time so you can take advantage of the full session.

I’ve never seen a psychologist before. Is it normal to feel apprehensive or nervous?
Yes. We know that attending your first session can be nerve-wracking. We will do our best to help you feel at ease, ask you questions about yourself and your circumstances, and let you know how we might be able to help you.

What will happen in the first session?
Your first session is an opportunity for you to meet your psychologist, explain your circumstances, and receive feedback about the options for treatment. Your psychologist will begin by asking you what you would like help with, where you are at in your life, your personal history and relationships, and your life goals. If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry! Your psychologist will help you out by asking questions throughout the session so they can understand what you’re going through and how they might help you.

Towards the end of the session, your psychologist will give you some feedback on your circumstances and explain how therapy might benefit you. You will have a chance to ask questions about any aspect of the session, whether it be your concerns, your psychologist’s plan for your treatment, or how our service works.

At the end of the session, you will be given the opportunity to discuss whether you think your psychologist has understood your circumstances, you can work together effectively, and you are comfortable with the plan for treatment. If you would like to continue, your psychologist will confirm your next session booking.

I know I need help but there are some things I don’t feel ready to discuss. Is this ok?
Yes. We understand that it may take time for you to feel comfortable to speak about and trust your psychologist with certain topics. That’s ok. Please let your psychologist know and they will give you the space and time you need to feel ready discuss these concerns.

Why do I need to see a psychologist when I can learn about mental health on social media and in self-help books?
The skill of a great psychologist is helping you to better understand the unique experiences that make you, you. When you learn how and why you think, feel, and behave in the way you do, you can make real, lasting changes that are meaningful for you in your life. There is a lot of good information on mental health available but it is general in nature, not specific to you.

Privacy and confidentiality

Why does my psychologist take notes during the session?
As registered healthcare providers, we are required to keep accurate notes about the care we provide to you. This includes details of your mental health issues, the treatment we provide to you, and your progress during treatment. This helps us to accurately recall the treatment provided, evaluate your progress over time, and communicate your treatment outcomes as needed (and with your permission).

Where are the notes kept?
The information we gather as part of our assessment and treatment is kept securely and, in the interests of your privacy, used only by your psychologist. By law, psychologists are required to keep client records for a minimum of 7 years from the last client contact. In the case of records collected while the client was less than 18 years of age, psychologists retain the records until the client attains the age of 25 years old.

Are my sessions confidential?
Yes. We are required to keep the details of your attendance at our practice and your sessions private and confidential. There are some limits to confidentiality which are outlined in detail in our consent form. Please read these carefully and discuss any concerns directly with your psychologist.



What if I need to cancel/reschedule my appointment?
Once you make an appointment, it is yours. We encourage you attend in person or via telehealth. If there is no way you can make it by either of those methods and you need to change or cancel an appointment, we ask that you provide at least 24 hours’ notice.

If you do not provide at least 24 hours’ notice or fail to attend your session, you will be required to pay the cost of the consultation in full. This ensures all clients are provided with appointments in a timely manner. Please note: There are no Medicare or private health fund rebates for late cancellations or missed appointments.


How much does a session cost?
The cost of an individual psychology session (50 minutes) is $230 (or the Australian Psychological Society Recommended Fee of $280 for third parties). The cost of an initial relationship therapy session is $280 for a 50 min session and $300 for an 80 min session.

The session fee is payable at the conclusion of each session via debit/credit card. You will be asked to provide a debit or credit card to place on your file when you make your first booking. Your psychologist will process the payment at the end of the session.

Is there a transaction fee on payments?
No. All debit and credit card payments are processed via our practice management software, Halaxy. You will not be charged a transaction fee when processing your payments.

Are my credit card details stored safely and securely?
Yes. When you provide your debit or credit card details, they will be stored in your file on our practice management system, Halaxy. Once your card details have been entered into Halaxy, they are not visible to anyone at Headstrong Psychology or Halaxy. Your card details will be deleted from your file once your treatment with Headstrong Psychology is completed.

To read more about Halaxy’s payment gateway and its security, please visit: https://blog.halaxy.com/halaxy-card-security-faqs/


If I have a referral from a GP, can I get a rebate under Medicare?
Yes. Your GP will determine if you are eligible for a Medicare Mental Health Care Plan. If you are provided with a Plan, you can access a rebate for up to 10 sessions per calendar year. Your GP will indicate how many sessions are available under each Plan.

How much is the Medicare rebate?
If you are eligible for a rebate under a GP Mental Health Care Plan, you will receive a rebate of $131.65 per session with a Clinical Psychologist. All of the team at Headstrong Psychology are Clinical Psychologists. The rebate for General Psychologists is lower, at $89.65.

Can you process my Medicare rebate for me?
Yes. Once your session fee has been paid, we will process any eligible Medicare rebate via our practice management system, Halaxy. Occasionally the rebates do not go through for a variety of reasons, in which case you will be provided with a receipt to use to claim directly with Medicare yourself.

Do you accept paper copies of GP referrals?
We prefer to receive electronic copies of GP referrals. When you see your GP, please ask the GP practice to email you a copy of the referral for you to email on to us at hello@headstrongpsychology.com.au. Alternatively, you can ask the GP practice to fax (03 9964 4932) or email the referral to us.

I have a GP referral but I forgot to pass it on to Headstrong Psychology. Can I still get a rebate at the time of my session?
No. We can only offer you a rebate when we receive the referral paperwork.

I forgot to get a GP referral. Can I get my GP to write a referral and back date it?
No. You can only receive a rebate if you have Plan that is dated on or before the date of your psychology session.

Can I claim a rebate under private health insurance?
Possibly. Each private health fund and policy differ so you will need to check with your insurer whether you are eligible for a rebate on psychology sessions. Please note: You cannot claim a rebate from both Medicare and your private health fund for the same session. You can only claim a rebate from one or the other.

Can you process my private health insurance rebate for me?
No. Unfortunately, we are unable to process private health fund rebates via Halaxy so you will need to arrange this yourself. We will provide a paid invoice with the relevant private health fund codes to assist you with your claim.

Are couples therapy sessions eligible for rebates under Medicare or private health insurance?
No. Unfortunately, couples therapy sessions are not eligible for rebates under Medicare or private health funds.

Getting the most out of your treatment

How do I know if my psychologist is the right fit for me?
It takes around three sessions to establish your concerns, review your history, and get to know your psychologist. Please allow this time to settle in and raise any questions so you can figure out whether therapy is right for you at this time and if your psychologist is a good fit.

What if the psychologist or the focus or content of the sessions is not right for me?
Please let us know! We are here for you and want to do what we can to best meet your needs. We won’t take this kind of feedback personally. Change is rarely linear so it is important that we work together in an open way to ensure you make the progress you are looking for. In the rare event that you need a referral to another psychologist who is better fit for you and your concerns, we are happy to arrange this with you.

I’m in crisis and need immediate mental health support. Can you help me?
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide assistance in crisis situations. If you require immediate mental health assistance, please contact 000 or your local mental health triage, available 24hrs per day, 7 days per week. The mental health triage services in the area include Alfred Health (1300  363 746), Monash Health (1300 369 012), St Vincent’s (1300 55 88 62), and Eastern Health (1300 721 927).

Finishing treatment

How long should I stay in therapy?
The duration of therapy is highly variable and depends on a number of factors including your concerns, your goals for therapy, the type of therapy you receive, and your progress over time. The decision regarding the length of therapy ultimately rests with you and your psychologist.

Some people have a particular issue to solve or decision to make, which means they may require only a handful of sessions to resolve their concern. Others might need more time to improve how they feel, learn new skills and strategies, or change long-standing patterns of behaviour, which means they stay in therapy for months or years.

What if I am feeling better and don’t think I need to keep attending therapy?
Throughout therapy there are going to be times when you feel you are getting better and no longer need to attend your sessions. It is important that you talk with your psychologist about the decision to end therapy as this needs to be planned carefully to ensure you maintain your improvements and avoid a relapse.

What if I can’t afford the therapy sessions?
Attending regular therapy sessions is a significant commitment in terms of time, energy, and finances. If you are concerned that the cost of therapy might prevent your ongoing attendance, please speak to us about it. We are happy to work with you to find a solution that suits your unique needs.

How do you end therapy? Do you need to end it?
We strongly recommend that you attend a final session so that you and your psychologist can summarise the work you have done in therapy and make a plan to ensure you keep experiencing the benefits of your work.

Some people opt to have a ‘booster session’ after their regular therapy sessions have ended. This is a session several weeks or months after your final session which serves as a sort of ‘tune-up’ to ensure you continue to use your skills and learnings to stay on track. This maximises the long-term benefits of your therapy.